Medical Examination For 2023/2024 First Years

Medical Examination for first year students for the 2021/2022 academic year is scheduled to start on 22/11/23 and end on 25/11/23.
The schedule and procedure for the examinations is outlined below


There are two centers for the exercise. Examinations start at 9:00am and ends at 5.00pm daily.

Center for examination is the College Clinic

1. Proceed to the medical examination center of your choice as enumerated above.

2. At the Centre register with your student / reference number

3. Proceed to the nurse’s station

4. Go to the Laboratory station to have your blood sample taken for Test to be done.

5. Proceed to consulting room to see the doctor.


Only students who have paid their school fees and have been cleared by the finance office will be medically examined. 

Students must have a valid National Health Insurance Card.